Thursday, November 19, 2009

Family Building - FBR Video Clip

Family Building

Family Building and Reconciliation (FBR) is a community program to help family to face the challenges of today's world.

Modern world has many to offer but many get challenged with various crisis and problems.

FBR is established in 2008 by using various topics during sessions with activities for better interaction and understanding.

Experienced personnel with supportive team take the opportunity of the crowd and available environment to design highly interactive and experiential program. It uplifts, encourages and empowers!

As such, family members have special spaces for themselves to communicate, knowing each other better and experience the let- go process by seeking level of acceptance and forgiveness.

Many shared to have deepened their sense of belonging and start giving more priority to their relationship with husband, wife and children.

Recommended  reflections for quality life:
·        My family -community
·        My work - finance
·        My health – happy
·        My training - carer
·        My asset - support

Good Family produces better society, better nation!

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