Monday, December 12, 2011


Trekking in Adventure Cultural Village is not really complete without walking or crossing streams and rivers. These are the great motivators for participants to reach their destination.

While walking to accompany your group, you may also find yourself on situation that you have to be cautious for safety as well as be patience to wait for the slower particpants and making yourself heard to fast walking group to slow down.

This moment is normally filled up with many stories and tales from old times with your acquinted peers and ACV leaders.

.... feeling relief and comfortable, without releasing you are already in the 'adventure world' and enjoying every moment of it like refusing to let it go also get inspiration to write on your journal!!

Many young students chip in to share their their new discoveries of the new things emerging from our world today.


Two ways interactive communication enhanced while creating a friendly and supportive atmosphere physically, mentally and emotionally.

Listening is good implemented.

Teamwork is practised.

In leadership is making sure group achieve set goal.

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